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Puppy  class

Junior class


Working class


As the real laymans in connection with dog show, we never would be solved on it, if not persistence Ilona Rodina, Owner of ours father - Yanko. She has undertaken us to prepare and expose.Great thanks to Ilona. And here at last our first dog show, more precisely, two one day - on June, 4th, 2006. At both dog show we have received an estimation "Excellent", our resalts - CW, Best Puppy Of breed . Also have for the first time gone on BEST Puppy. And it was only the beginning


puppie's class


04.06.2006. 2 Class Winner & 2 Best Puppy, BIS-puppies-2!


17.06.2006. Class Winner, Best Puppy, BIS-puppies-2!


International Dog-Show CACIB /Novgorod/. "Excellent, 4"



junior class


09.09.2006. National Dog-Show CAC. Judge T.Sarmont. Results: "Excellent, 3"


28.10.2006. National Dog-Show CAC. Results: "Excellent"


28.10.2006. Special Golden Retrievers Show. Judge M. Holm-Hansen. Results: "Excellent 4", JnCC


04.11.2006. "Excellent ", CW, JCAC. Judge L.Nikitina


02.12.2006. "Excellent ", CW, JCAC, Best Junior, Best-of-Breed. Judge Alifirenko


09.12.2006. "Excellent ", CW, JCAC, Best Junior. Judge Matveeva


10.12.2006. "Excellent ", CW, JCAC, Best Junior, Best-of-Breed. Judge Sedyh N.

На этой же выставке: BISjun-2, BIG-1, BIS-7


17.12.2006. "Excellent 2" /International Dog-Show CACIB "Nevsky Winner". Judge Zhuk G.


24.12.2006. "Excellent " CW, JCAC, Best Junior. Judge Sipjagin G.



intermediate class


20.01.2007. CW, CAC, BOS, Ch RFSS. Judge M.Hermel (France)


03.02.2007. CW, CAC, BOS, BOB, Ch OANKOO.


10.03.2007. "Excellent 4" & CC! Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge Kirsi Nieminen (Finland).


31.03.2007.  "Excellent 3" & CC! Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge Vihra Grigorova (Bulgarian).


01.04.2007. CW, CAC! Etien - Russian Champion!  Judge Raschihmarova T.


17.06.2007. "Excellent 2", R.CW, R.CAC М.Г. Judge Ostrovskaja M. /V.Novgorod/


17.06.2007. "Excellent", CC. Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge E.Bauzhes /V.Novgorod/


23.06.2007. "Excellent 2", R.CAC. /International Dog-Show CACIB "Belye Nochi"/. Judge E.Olshevsky


photos from dog-shows in Velikiy Novgorod, Pskov, S.-Petersburg



working class


07.10.2007. CW, CAC, BOS, BOB, BIG-2!!! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge L.Stir (Rumanian)

"Very nice balance, good type, nice head, good front, very good topline and tail set,

good hind sguares but to narrow in movement "


27.10.2007. CW & CAC! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge J.Gavrilova (Russia)


28.10.2007. CW & CAC! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge A.Beljakov (Russia)


28.10.2007. "Excellent 2", CC. Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge A.Stepinsky /Poland, kennel Oligarhia/


17.11.2007. "Excellent 3", CC. Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge E.Ruskovaara /Finland/


18.11.2007.  CW & CAC! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge E.Ruskovaara /Finland/


25.11.2007. CW, CAC, BOS, BOB, Ch RKF!!! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge T.Raschihmarova


 25.11.2007. "Excellent 1", CC. Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge I.Siil /Estonia/


02.2008. "Excellent". Special Golden Retrievers Show in Tallinn


05.04.2008. "Excellent 3", CC. Special Golden Retrievers Show.  Judge P.Iversen /Norway/ 


17.05.2008. CW & CAC! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge A.Brankovich


18.05.2008. CW, CAC, BOS, BOB, BIG-2! National Dog-Show CAC.  Judge J.Coubiе (France)


29.06.2008. CW, CAC, BOS, CACIB, Ch RKF!!!  2". /International Dog-Show CACIB "Belye Nochi"/

Judge Georges P.De Coyper (Belgium). video


24.08.2008. CW, CAC. /International Dog-Show CACIB "Pskovsky Suvenir"/ photos


07.09.2008. excellent 1, CW, CAC. /International Dog-Show CACIB "Nevsky Winner"/ Judge Roger Hartinger (USA)





▪ Abbreviations


CC - certificate,

CW /class winner/

Jn.CAC /junior Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat/

CAC /Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat/

CACIB /Certificats d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté/

BB /best baby/

BP /best puppy/

BJ /best junior/

BV /best veteran/

BOS /best opposite sex/

BOB /best of breed/

BIG /best of group/

BIS /best in show/

BISjn /best in juniors-show/

BIS-puppy /best in puppies-show/

BIS-baby /best in babies-show/

BIS-vet /best in vetersns-show/

R.CW / R.CAC/ R.CACIB / R.BIS - res.




Голден /золотистый/ ретривер Этиен Конакри Кирил

вл. Ирина Королева. Санкт-Петербург, Россия

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