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PHOTOS / Izborsk 2011


Izborsk. near Pskov 2011 . Photos by Alina Shagarova


At this time, the idea belonged to the whole photo shoot Aline, my task was to elicit from the fate of good weather and get to Izborsk .

What Izborsk? This is a village located in the Pechora district of the Pskov region, 30 km. from the regional center, 300 km from St. Petersburg. As it is written in one of the encyclopedia - The first documented mention of Izborsk in "The Tale of Bygone Years" refers to the 862, it is believed that the ancient Izborsk Pskov. Izborsk reserve - a rare human connection with nature began. In the whole sky is merged, water and earth, the world of plants, man, his thought and his work ...

It is the place offered us Alina and I am very grateful to her for such a choice. This is our most sunny, despite the fall, photoshoot!




















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