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PHOTOS / The Peter and Paul Fortress, Pavlovsk 2009


The Peter and Paul Fortress. Pavlovsk 2009 . Photos by Alina Shagarova


At last in Peter there has come the present winter - white, snow, with an easy frost...

I have thought, that time for the next photosession with Alina has come, has thought and has made.

As a background the quay of the Peter and Paul Fortress and park Pavlovska - suburb of St.-Petersburg have been chosen.






















Голден /золотистый/ ретривер Этиен Конакри Кирил

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Лабрадор.ру Российский Ретривер Клуб, лабрадоры, голдены, щенки. Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг

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